20 Jan

When searching for dog boarding near me, the most important characteristic of the boarding house is how well they treat and train your pet. As dog owners know, dogs tend to eat anything that is chewable and colorful. Each breed of dog requires different diets due to their genetics and health status. There are five main types of dog food diets. We will dive into the benefits of each and why it might be the perfect fit for your canine.

Kibbles is by far the most common and known type of dog food that owners purchase. Kibbles are pellets that have been cooked and contain all your dog’s necessary nutrition needs. The nutrition present in all kibble formulas includes meat, carbs, and essential vitamins. There are three big benefits to having your dog on a kibble diet. First, kibbles are very convenient and ready to serve right away. To simply scoop and serve can be a beautiful thing for owners that work frequently and make every minute count. Second, kibbles can support the oral health of your dog. We are not advocating to skip on brushing your dog’s teeth if they eat kibbles, but it can do wonders if coupled with brushing. Abrasion from chewing kibbles help remove plaque and tartar build up around the gums. The brushing can take care of removing the buildup of sugars. Lastly, the shelf life of kibbles is quite long when stored properly. If left out of humid spaces, kibbles can last up to a few months after initial opening. Ideal for all sizes of a pet budget.

Canned Foods
The second most popular food style for dogs is canned food or wet food. The addition of wet food to your dog’s diet can add great variation and deliver more types of nutrients to your dog’s belly. The benefits of canned food stem from the moisture present in it. The taste associated with canned food really strikes a lot of dog’s preferences. Canned diets allow for many different flavors to be achieved, which can help even the pickiest dogs. The texture of canned food can increase palatability as well. With these two benefits being said, it is important to enforce dental health with your pet because canned food lacks abrasion in comparison to kibbles. This can cause dental health issues if ignored. Lastly, canned foods offer a lot of moisture that helps with a dog’s stomach health and physical health. Great digestion health will help your pet absorb more nutrients and gain healthy muscle.

Dehydrated Diets
Dehydrated or freeze-dried dog food is kind of a mesh between canned and kibbles. Dehydrated dog food is easier to prepare and store than canned foods but offer digestive benefits that canned foods provide. Dehydrated dog food can be served as is or rehydrated by just adding water. This increases the shelf life closer to kibbles and offers slightly more water than kibbles as well. The most common reason freeze-dried dog food is picked is because it contains a lot more natural and fresh ingredients than the other options. Unfortunately, this comes at a cost. Think of this in terms of a human switching to organic food.

Raw Diets
Our fourth type of doggy diet is consuming raw dog food. Raw dog food is by far the most complete nutrition diet for your pet. The benefits of a raw diet consist of bioavailability health, dental health, skin health, and coat health. Bioavailability is a grade placed on raw pet food that determines how much is digestible and useful to your dog’s body. The retention of natural vitamins and minerals that come with raw food help increase mobility, energy, and fat loss in even the oldest of pets. Dental health can also be improved greatly and far surpasses the benefits of kibbles. On top of abrasion, the enzymes work to eliminate bad bacteria and help soothe inflamed gums. Again, this won’t replace brushing, but it will prevent rapid bacteria build up. Lastly, skin and coat health can be improved. Raw, unprocessed foods contain a higher amount of omega fatty and amino acids. These acids can improve the quality of your dog’s coat or skin and reduce shedding and dander.

Freeze Dried Raw Diets
Our last type of dieting is a form of a raw food that has been dehydrated to satisfy flavor needs of picky dogs, then rehydrated when it’s about to be eaten. The rehydrated of the freeze-dried raw food is extremely important before serving to prevent dehydration and possible bloating of your pet. The benefits of freeze-dried raw food include convenience and being the perfect meal topper. The convenience stems from being lightweight to be taken on trips and taking up less space in your kitchen. On top of this, it is the perfect topping for any other types of dog foods mentioned that can add extra flavor or nutrition to a diet that your pet is already used to.

Remember, if you are ever concerned about what types of foods are available when boarding your dog, reach out to us at (856) – 694 – 0980! We can provide any general or specialty diet needed for your best four-legged friend!