04 Jan

Cold winter weather is in full effect – are your pets prepared? Each year, many pets suffer from injuries or illness due to cold or other related issues. If you notice that your pets are experiencing any of the conditions below, please call your local vet!

Hypothermia & Frostbite
These two common conditions are caused by prolonged exposure to cold and can affect pets just as much as humans. If your pets’ body temperature drops just 4 degrees Fahrenheit, it can lead to severe hypothermia – which can be fatal if left untreated. Signs and symptoms of hypothermia include shivering, slow/shallow breather, lethargy, decreased heart rate and pale or bluish gums.

Exposure to cold conditions can also cause frostbite. In pets, the tail, ears, paws and other areas with minimal fur coverage tend to be the most common areas where frostbite will occur. Swollen, red, painful skin after cold exposure is the primary symptom of frostbite – but later stages can lead to hardened, pale skin.

When your pet comes indoors, always be sure to check for these serious symptoms!

Chemicals such as antifreeze can be extremely dangerous to pets. If you notice any chemical spills – wash your pets’ paws thoroughly and be sure to check for any chemical presence elsewhere on their body. If your pet is vomiting or has any other digestive symptoms, call your vet immediately!

Dietary Needs & More
Some pets require greater caloric intake to deal with the cold. If you’re unsure about your breed’s calorie needs, speak with your veterinarian. Also, make sure your pet has current, readable contact information on their collar/tags in the event they get lost during a winter storm.

Remember, if you need a helping hand taking care of your pets for extended trips – or even just Doggie Day Camp – Halo House is here for you! We can keep your pets safe and warm throughout the winter and all year round! Call us today at (856) 694 – 0980 to learn more!