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Helping Your Dog Cope With Anxiety

Anxiety in Dogs

Mental health is a major topic that is being discussed inside and outside the health community. As of the last few years, mental health issues have been deemed a public crisis by top medical professionals around the world. Some may think this crisis only affects humans, but it affects dogs as well. Anxiety is the most common. Like other negative behaviors, anxiety can be completely cured or at the very least controlled to a high degree. As providers of dog training in NJ, we have proven ways that can help your dog cope with anxiety and overcome this widespread issue.

Anxiety in humans and pets can be caused by pent-up energy not having the ability to be released in healthy ways. A lack of exercise can cause energy to remain inside where it is spent on unhealthy thoughts and habits. A great way to ease your dog’s mind is making sure they have regular exercise, especially with you! Exercise is a great bonding experience between you and your pet and a great way to tire your dog out. Exercise releases endorphins that attack stress at the source.

Physical Affection
Physical affection is a great way to soothe your anxious dog. As an owner, make a point to learn the warning signs of anxiety or a panic attack so you can know when to step in. If you see your dog showing these signs, stop what you are doing and spend some time with them. Whether it be cuddling on the couch or pampering them with petting, it can help relax your dog. Anxiety can be felt within muscles a lot of the time which makes physical affection important. Stress is bared physically and mentally.

Music therapy has been practice for a very long time in humans. The power of music works just as well in our pets, too. Music can transform moods and relax your mind very well. Humans listen to music when relaxing, working out, having fun, and so forth. Music can be applied in the same way to pets. If your dog seems tense and anxious, play some calming classical music that can allow your dog to relax. Music is also great for blocking out noises that can affect your dog such as thunder or busy traffic.

Calming Clothes
Calming coats and t-shirts apply a low amount of pressure to a dog’s body. Similar to how a baby likes to be wrapped up, dogs enjoy the same feeling. These calming garments help alleviate anxiety induced by separation, travel, or intense noises. There are many different brands that offer these kinds of clothes. Many are broken down based on the breed and size of your pet.

Alternative Therapies
Supplements and smell diffusers are two alternative therapies emerging in both the human and pet mental health communities. Supplements have been around for decades, but have really taken flight due to mental health awareness and overall health awareness due to COVID-19. Supplements can have positive benefits for pets as well. There are many nutrient-infused treats that contain supplements that can help with anxiety during certain times of the day as well as stomach discomfort. Home diffusers are becoming popular as well. These diffusers can help your pet relax by producing calming pheromones that for the dog, resemble the scent of their nursing mother. A lot of the time, these pheromones can only be smelled by the pet themselves and don’t affect the aroma of your home.

If you have more questions regarding this topic or others, reach out to Halo House Animal Resort at (856) 694-0980!

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