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Beneficial Human Foods For Your Dogs

Dog Eating Chicken Wing

Your dog prancing and jumping by the dinner table is a common sight to see in any dog lovers home. Whether the owner caves by giving them table scraps is another story. The pet moms and dads that can or cannot resist giving their dogs a special treat usually wonder what to give or how much to give. However, there are some human foods that are very beneficial for your dogs to ingest from time to time on top of a healthy dog food diet. Here are some human foods that can have great health benefits and can be the perfect treat for dog training in South Jersey.

Coconut is a tropical fruit that contains certain compounds that can be highly beneficial if fed properly and in proper amounts. Like any food for any animal, moderation is key. Coconut contains lauric acid that carries healthy properties that can combat bad breath, skin conditions, and bacteria. Broken-down coconut can be a great addition to your dog’s diet. Be sure that the shell is not included in the snack to avoid a choking hazard.

Fully cooked eggs can be a fantastic source of protein and an upset stomach fighter for dogs. Be careful when serving eggs to your dogs, however. Eggs must be fully cooked before serving due to raw eggs creating different vitamin deficiencies in dogs such as biotin.

Fish can be a rewarding snack for your furry friend as well. Like in a human’s diet, fish contains good fats and amino acids that give your dog a buff to its immune system. To go even further, salmon and sardines can have even more benefits than any other kind of fish for dogs. Salmon and sardines are loaded with vitamins and protein as well as calcium. Similar with the other foods, be sure that all the tiny bones are picked out as well as the fish being fully cooked.

Small amounts of honey can be a sweet snack for your pup as well. How come though? Small amounts of honey contain key vitamins such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants. Small amounts allow for a boosted immune system against common allergies because it introduces small amounts of pollen to their system. Honey can be used as a physical treatment as well for small burns and cuts.

Fully-popped popcorn is another unexpected addition you could make to your doggy’s diet. In moderation, popcorn can be a healthy food to promote eye and digestive health. The type of popcorn that is best is a little tricky. The popcorn must be unsalted, un-buttered, and fully popped. If the popcorn isn’t fully popped, the un-popped kernels can be a choking and stomach hazard. Be very careful in feeding popcorn to your pet. The best way is to hand feed them and inspect each piece before you feed it to them.

When feeding your pet scraps from the table, be mindful of what you give them. Certain foods such as chocolate and forms of nuts can lead to serious health complications. However, many benefits can be added to your pet’s diet through the foods discussed and many others such as peanut butter, rice, and so forth.

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